Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who would Jesus bomb?

I saw this question question on a bumper sticker today. A simple question, a simple answer, from simple-minded people. Jesus of course would bomb no one, so let's make the question a little tougher: Who would Jesus bomb if he knew someone is going to poison a schoolhouse full of kids? Anyone? No one? If no one, why not?

How many schoolhouses full of kids need to be on the hit list before Jesus will order out the bombers? There must be some number, some quantity of people whose deaths are just too many. Maybe it's not schoolhouses, maybe it's ports, or towers full of people, or whole cities. Would Jesus order the use of fatal force then? Surely there is a time when Jesus would use the power at his disposal in order to protect the people that are in his charge.

Or maybe not. He's God, after all, and we've seen God's modus operandi -- God just sits back and lets it happen. Personally I'd rather have a leader who was more pro-active.

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