Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Most interesting conversation yet: "If you had let Bandit die and had kicked us out, I would have been very impressed. I would have thought, 'There's hope for Cathy yet.'"

Which means a couple things:

1) He knows he's taking advantage of me. Repeat that, Cathy. He knows he's taking advantage of me.

2) He is not impressed with the way I'm doing things now.

He knows I'm martyring myself for him and Don, but he's okay with it. He's not gonna rescue me. He's not gonna get a job himself.

What the hell does he like about me then?

I would like to discuss finances with my father. What is the best route from here?

 The lesson you were supposed to have learned from Don is that you have to be strong; that being weak gets you walked on. You are foolish to think that Joe is different. Being weak encourages behavior in others that they would not have otherwise done.


Anonymous said...

Well, I can understand booting the life-sucking glommers the heck out, but why let the unconditonal love-giving canine kick the bucket? Don't see what Jim was getting at there.

Anonymous said...

...or perhaps Bandit is a life-sucking, glomming evil cat? Or an expensive horse? ~Celeste