Friday, July 18, 2008

One Year Later, Another Diabetic Incident

Low blood sugar this time. It was July 24, 2007, that Joe went to the ER with Diabetic Ketoacidosis. He has been getting all nervous because the first anniversary of his hospitalization is approaching. How silly and superstitious, I thought. The anniversary of an illness doesn't mean anything. Silly me. The hospital ER just called. Joe was found passed out near the bathroom of his shop. He had apparently had a low blood sugar incident.

Later: He wasn't passed out. He was lying in a pool of blood, conscious but unresponsive, his forehead gashed in several places. Jason from The Carriage Shop found him, and brought Jim King and Mark Cervelli from Wolfsburg Autowerks, who called 911. The paramedics gave him glucose which brought him out of the diabetic shock. He was much better by the time they got him to the emergency room, such that he was able to give them my name and number. The paramedics told me his blood sugar was zero.

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