Thursday, April 12, 2007

Creeping toward Polyandry

I hope to drag Joe and Don into a polyandrous relationship. They may come kicking and screaming, but they'll come! I'm kidding of course. A polyandrous relationship won't be successful unless it is is based on openness and honesty, and everyone wants to be there. We've still all just friends. Joe hasn't yet agreed to 'marry' me, and Don hasn't agreed to let him.

Anyway, last night we were sitting on the back porch, smoking and talking like we always do, and huddled in blankets and coats as it was chilly out again. Joe smiled at me then turned to speak to Don and suddenly I saw us as a family of three. I imagined it was a year from now, and everything's settled, and we're even happier than we are now. Adding Joe to the mix has helped Don and me tremendously. We wouldn't be getting along so well as we are if it weren't for Joe.

Then we went in the house where I whupped their butts in UpWords -- for the second time in a row! Go me! Joe went home, Don and I cleaned the kitchen, and Michaela came home so we had some fun teasing her. She's a great kid. Whatever it is we three have, Don and Joe and I, it is very nice, it makes us happy, and I hope it can continue.

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