Monday, April 16, 2007

I'm a disappointment

So apparently my kids supply excellent cautionary tales. I made the mistake of telling Joe about Michaela's little shoplifting incident (she stole a candy bar and had to do a day of community service). He told his six-year-old, and included the appropriate editorial comments (how could she be so stupid, what was she thinking, etc.). His daughter added that Michaela's goth friend is probably nothing but trouble.

I know that Joe likes to talk. I should have been more aware that the stuff I tell him might end up in stories to other people. It'd be too bad if Lauren's mother forbade her to come to my house because of my delinquent daughter and her goth friend.

I'm also aware that he expects me to be perfect and is disappointed when I am not. In practical terms, this means I can't talk to him about my troubles as I am not supposed to have any.

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