An excellent weekend has just passed. On Friday I volunteered to make a cake for my niece's First Communion party so spent Friday night baking. Saturday morning I decorated it and Saturday afternoon I visited for hours with my siblings, nieces and nephews. I love those people. We had the best time. We talked about the differences in the way mothers and fathers bond with their children, what a good education consists of, how beautiful niece Emily is (she's 16 and off to prom!). I managed to get some nice shots of my toddler nephew waiting his turn to play catch. Michaela's Saab 99 got vapor lock so Don and I went to rescue her Saturday evening. He acted like a total jerk which I totally had to call him on. Sunday was Home Blessing Day. Don and I bustled about cleaning the place inside and out. It was a busy productive and happy day. In the evening I popped "November" with Courtney Cox into the DVD player and watched it while I worked on knitting Michaela's Slytherin scarf. Ms. Cox does an excellent job in this dramatic role. Too bad the story line is so awful. It left more questions than it answered. What really happened? Who took the pictures? So is her boyfriend dead or not? What was real and what wasn't? Was the whole thing a dream? If so, I don't appreciate being jerked around in that way. Was the whole mystery that she got shot too? Interestingly done; very artsy, though probably (in the words of the detective) "too artsy for it's own good." Bottom line: it didn't make sense.
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