Monday, October 18, 2004

How will I make my mark on the world?

Here I am, life half over, and suddenly I'm thinking of the bigger picture. In the twenty years leading up to this moment, I was happy to do my best to be a good and godly wife and mother. But that's gone now, taken from me by my husband, of all people. He doesn't care if I'm a godly wife and mother. He wants me to work (which I do because he doesn't) and be his mother only.

So the destruction of my dream has also destroyed my faith.What is there for me now, now that hearth and home are taken? I want to replace them with something bigger.

Writers leave their mark, as do counselors. I've already written a book - a children's religious book, which ten years later is still in print and a popular little book in its niche so I'm told. I can't tell you the title because this blog is written under a pseudonym.

I plan to draw a set of tarot cards to help people on their journey. I'd better get cracking on that, as I'm still a beginner at drawing.

My photography and iceskating are fun, but those are personal hobbies, not things that will really effect others.

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