Friday, October 22, 2004

My Daily Check

Work is going well. I've got a nice team, nice job, nice future. I enjoy the combination of art and tech.

Photography is going well, too. I'm learning, anyway. Hold the camera steady! Don't bother taking pics at dusk -- it's too dark! Hold the camera steady! Go for the unusual angle! Be careful with focus and light metering! And hold the camera steady!

I'm having trouble getting my daily check done, mainly because I have so many things to do on there that I'll be hopping to get them all done. I don't look forward to more work when I get home from work. Whereas reading and photography are fun hobbies, the others seem like work. Plus I've got tons of other stuff to do, too.

Okay, how about if we make it one hour of "work" only? Not counting the exercise part.

- I want to meditate
- I want to read one article
- I want to draw
- I want to journal and do inquiry
- I want to do tarot

At 15 minutes each, that comes to 1 1/4 hours per day, plus various reading and exercise. There, that's not so bad, is it? That's not much journaling time, but I'll write fast.

I'm having nice chats with Kendall these days. She asks me to crack her back, or massage it, so we get some touch time. Meanwhile, Michaela is a Grumpy Gus. She's 15, and apparently can barely stand to talk to me or be in the same room with me.

I know Rhiannon got into drugs and sex. I hope she's not doing that while in AmeriCorps, and I hope she doesn't fall back into them when she returns.

Okay, gotta go. My 15 minutes of journaling time is up.

1 comment:

peregrine said...

Hey, dusk is a good time for drama in pictures, just use a tripod, don't be afraid of shadow, and expose for your main subject.
Nice webpage, and your poetry too!

mine =>