Wednesday, August 08, 2001

Went to the reservoir after work. It's hard to get sailing time in. I can't always get up there when the weather is good, and it's so frequently uncooperative when I do get there. Today was an uncooperative day. Or to be more accurate, 4:00 p.m. was an uncooperative hour. The red flag was up due to high winds. So instead I sat on a picnic table in the wind and sun, watched other boaters, read my sailing book and meditated.

I had an insight while meditating. Perhaps I should call it a small step of emotional growth. I suddenly felt thankful for a situation this summer that has had me on an emotional roller coaster, alternately making me happy, hurt, angry, and jealous. It's been painful, but I have grown as a result. For that and for the good times, I am thankful.

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